
Students researched marketing strategies to create a proposal on where UNC Health Caldwell’s marketing department should spend their money during the following year. The project involved analyzing current marketing expenditures, identifying areas for improvement, and proposing budget reallocations to enhance the effectiveness of the marketing efforts. Students collaborated in teams, engaged in site visits, and interacted with UNC Health professionals to gather insights and data for their proposals.


Driving Question

Where should UNC Health spend their marketing monies and resources next year?


Skill Development & Content Standards

Field Experiences

Site visits by students based on the area of marketing they chose to research.

Final Product

Students created presentations on what changes they would make to the budget and what research drove them to make that decision. Presentations varied from brochures, PowerPoints, and even interactive presentations. The final products demonstrated the students’ ability to apply marketing theories, analyze financial data, and propose strategic budget reallocations. The presentations were evaluated by UNC Health’s marketing department, and the most compelling proposals were recognized and awarded.

Here is a video of the Group Presentations.

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