
A combination of survey and publicly available data were used to identify issues and well-supported solutions for the project

By The Numbers

The design team conducted a comprehensive Caldwell County data gathering and analysis process to inform the action plan. First, by investigating and compiling relevant information from multiple publicly available data sources, the team was able to identify large scale community issues. Next, using a combination of interviews with community members representing varied identities and a student and adult surveys, the team was able to better inform their ideas for potential solutions.

Key Takeaways

The Top 5 priorities for improving Caldwell County were:


  1. Education
  2. Substance Abuse
  3. Living Wages
  4. Healthcare
  5. Hunger


  1. Education
  2. Substance Abuse
  3. Living Wages
  4. Crime
  5. Equity

Data Sets

Education & Wellbeing

Determinants of Health – NCNCDHHSLink
School dataBestNC Facts & FiguresLink
2020 County Data CardsNC ChildLink
2020 County Attainment ProfileMyFutureNCLink
Initiatives Benefiting North Carolina Educational AttainmentMyFutureNCLink
Enrollment DataCaldwell County SchoolsLink
Staff & Fiscal DataCaldwell County SchoolsLink
Postsecondary Enrollment by LEA (Caldwell)NC Community CollegesLink
School District Demographic and Discipline DataCivil Rights Data CollectionLink
Education Level DataCaldwell County 2020 Fast FactsLink

Demographics & Equity

Census dataUS Census BureauLink
Economic DataFederal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)Link
Multiple SectorsDataUSALink
Occupational Employment and WagesNC Dept of CommerceLink
Voter Registration StatisticsNorth Carolina State Board of ElectionsLink
Religion DataBestPlaces.netLink
Renter DataDepartment of NumbersLink
Racial Equity Report CardSouthern Coalition for Social JusticeLink
Jail and Prison DataCounty OfficeLink