In “The Caseworx Case” project, students embarked on an enlightening journey to investigate and analyze the far-reaching consequences of business practices on global climate change. With a focus on the wood products manufacturing process of the company Caseworx, the project delved into the entire supply chain, starting from the sourcing of raw materials in the forests to the final delivery of finished goods. Guided by their passion for environmental science, participants explored the intricate relationship between forestry practices and their profound effects on the biosphere and climate. Throughout this immersive experience, students honed their research and presentation skills, guided by essential content standards in Earth and Environmental Science.
Engaging with business partners and external supporters, they delved into the complexities of sustainability in the corporate world, seeking real-world solutions to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change. The culmination of their efforts resulted in a comprehensive final presentation that not only shed light on the impact of Caseworx’s processes on the climate but also offered thoughtful recommendations for a more sustainable future. This project empowered students to become change agents, equipped with knowledge and insights to advocate for environmentally responsible practices in the business sphere and contribute to the global effort to combat climate change.
Driving Question
What can a small business do to have a positive impact on global climate change?
The project began with a compelling Entry Event, where John Bostian, General Manager of Caseworx, presented an overview of the company. Students completed a series of milestones to understand climate change and forestry practices, exploring their interconnectedness with the help of field experiences. Artifacts were generated at each milestone, including comprehensive research documents, showcasing the progression of knowledge.
Project Calendar & Milestones
- Entry Event: Company Overview by John Bostian
- Milestone 1: Understanding Climate Change
- Milestone 2: Overview of Forestry Practices
- Milestone 3: The Impact of Forestry Industry on Climate
- Milestone 4: Recommendations for Caseworx
- Final Presentation: Artifact showcasing research and recommendations
The wood products manufacturing process could have a significant impact on global climate change, and Caseworx’s operations were no exception. The challenge lay in thoroughly understanding and analyzing their processes to identify areas where they could reduce their environmental footprint. By addressing this issue, students contributed to real-world solutions for promoting sustainability in the business sector.
Skill Development & Content Standards
Participants developed crucial research and presentation skills as they gathered and analyzed data on Caseworx’s practices and their effects on the climate. The project aligned with content standards EEn 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8, ensuring that students deepened their knowledge of environmental science while applying it to a practical case study.
Field Experiences
Throughout the project, students had the opportunity to participate in field experiences to gain a deeper understanding of forestry practices and their impact on the environment. These experiences included visits to sustainable forests, interactions with industry experts, and engaging workshops to enrich their learning journey.
Final Product Criteria/Rubric
The final product was a comprehensive presentation that presented a clear picture of global climate change, highlighting evidence of how forestry practices impact the biosphere and climate. The presentation also included an in-depth analysis of Caseworx’s processes and their effects on the climate. Students offered recommendations for the company to improve its practices and reduce its environmental impact. The presentation, along with milestone-specific research documents, served as the artifacts demonstrating the students’ learning journey.
Rubric for Consult Skills
Rubric for Environmental Science Content